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Schulden Real Madrid 2020

Real Madrid's Debt: A Deeper Dive

Unveiling the Truth Behind the Headlines

Recent news articles have sparked a flurry of headlines about Real Madrid's financial situation, with figures ranging from millions to billions of euros. To provide a clear understanding, let's delve into the specifics and separate facts from sensationalism.

602 Million Euro Debt

According to a report by WEB, Real Madrid currently has a debt of 602 million euros. This figure represents the club's short-term financial obligations, such as player salaries, transfer fees, and operational expenses.

Forbes's Billion-Euro Claim

Forbes magazine reported that Barcelona, Real Madrid's arch-rival, has a debt of over a billion euros. However, it's crucial to note that this figure includes long-term loans that are not due for repayment anytime soon. Therefore, it's misleading to directly compare this debt to Real Madrid's.


WEB also clarified that Real Madrid's current financial position is actually a "nettoliquiditätsposition," which means that the club has more cash on hand than it owes. This positive position indicates that Real Madrid is financially stable.

Financial Report Findings

Real Madrid's financial report for the 2021-22 season revealed that the club had a surplus of 874,000 euros after taxes. This further supports the club's positive financial standing.

In conclusion, while Real Madrid does have a debt of 602 million euros, it's crucial to understand the context behind this figure. The club's debt is manageable and its financial position is strong. Therefore, headlines claiming that Real Madrid is drowning in debt are exaggerated and present an inaccurate picture of the club's financial reality.
